Saturday 12 January 2013

7 vignettes

I was pleasantly surprised to see that Jen Bishop (check her amazing blog Interiors Addict) put up a challenge on Instagram about displaying vignettes within our homes for seven consecutive day, where each day was related to a specific topic.

 I loved this idea so much, I had to join in. I've always loved creating vignettes in my own home, it's a wonderful combination of interesting styling and photography, two of my favourite things.

Whilst I didn't actually manage to do all seven (being back at work and family commitments), I got to photograph a few. This one is my favourite, and in Kara Rosenlund's words, it is 'a unique visual short story". It reminds me of some pretty special people in my life and the places I've visited. 

Love it all


  1. hi Daniela, I am just connecting with all my IG friends and checking out everyones blogs, facebook etc. I am your newest blog follower. Kristie

    1. Thanks my dear!!! I don't get to check my blog as often as I should(as you can see)..such is life!!!Good to follow you on both your blog and IG.


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